The success of the Next Generation revolves around the unique combination of a sleek underwater ship, the beauty of the boat and the many comfort solutions that we add onboard for your pleasure
The NG43 was created for taller folk, of which there are many in Holland and Germany, and exudes openness and space! To keep the design’s original good looks and sense of proportion we increased the length of the NG40 by three feet in the process. You can choose your own layout, with room for two suites and to take the kids along too.
How have others enjoyed the NG43? Click on the boat names to read about the experiences of the owners of Joly Deux, Lavinia C, Mitsu and Res Nova.
You can view the various layouts and finishing materials to your heart’s content at the ‘under construction / delivered yachts’ page. Here you will find a comprehensive photo set of all the Steelers that have been delivered and are under construction.